
Partial Dentures

Replacing Missing Teeth

Tooth lost affects your dental health, the ability to chew food comfortably and your personal appearance.

Your teeth support and rely on each other. When one or more teeth are missing, the remaining teeth shift and migrate out of their normal position. Then the tooth next to the space and from the opposite jaw will drift, rotate, and tilt out of their natural alignment. These teeth become more susceptible to decay and gum disease because they are difficult to clean properly.

All this shifting, drifting and wear will lead to permanent changes in bite and, potentially, to further tooth loss. Remaining teeth are more susceptible to excessive functional stresses and wear. The jawbone tends to atrophy or “shrink” as a result of tooth loss. Ultimately, your ability to chew food comfortably and your appearance will be affected.

There are two solutions to replace missing tooth or teeth with cosmetic dentures:

Partial Cosmetic Dentures

Partial cosmetic dentures are replacement teeth for people who have lost one or more of their teeth. Partial dentures can be taken in and out of the mouth and consist of a denture base, which closely resembles the color of your gums and denture teeth, which are attached to a supporting framework. The partial denture then attaches to the existing teeth via a clasp or some other retentive device. Partial cosmetic dentures are made using a model of your mouth.

Making a cosmetic partial denture requires about 2-4 weeks, however this can vary from one patient to another. It also could depend on the type of denture and the technique your denturist uses.

Partial Dentures

The first step in making a partial denture is the preparation of the teeth.  Your denturist will prepare the teeth that the partial denture will use for support. Then, your denturist will take an accurate impression of the upper and lower arches of your mouth and record your bite. On subsequent visits your denturist will evaluate your bite, test your speech and check the appearance and function of the partial denture teeth and gums. After the fit is found to be satisfactory, the denture will be made in the dental laborotory.

Partial Denture Adjustments

While we take great care to make a well fitting partial denture, a few adjustments may be required and it will take some time for you and your partial denture to adapt to each other. Adjusting to your partial denture is a process. In some cases, it will take weeks to get used to a partial denture. A new partial denture can also change your eating and speaking habits so it might take some practice before you feel comfortable with them.

Partial Denture Types

There are newly developed techniques in making partial dentures. One of these is an implant-supporting partial denture that helps give additional support to the partial denture. While it offers additional support, it also requires the placement of implants in your mouth before making the cosmetic partial denture.

Flexible Invisible Partial Denture

What if there were a way to replace missing teeth that did not involve any expensive surgical procedures? What if there were an affordable method of tooth replacement that did not sacrifice aesthetics? What if there existed a partial denture that could actually blend in with your natural dentition so that it appeared invisible in your mouth? What if your gums are so receded around natural teeth they have to be covered with a gum tissue from the donor site? Valplast Gum Venner helps you to avoid expensive and painful surgery while covering the exposed roots with a gum color flexible nylon. Valplast Onlay in a combination with a partial denture restores broken down front teeth to their original height.

With the introduction of Valplast, nobody has to know that you are missing teeth. For more than five decades flexible partials have been the preferred choice of patients looking for a method of tooth replacement that is aesthetic, comfortable and affordable.  Partials cost less than dental implants and dental bridges and they require no surgery or invasive procedures. Compared to traditional metal partial dentures, offers better aesthetics, comfort and durability. In fact, partials are made from an unbreakable nylon resin and each restoration comes with a lifetime guarantee against breakage and fracture.

It was long thought that removable partial dentures had to be rigid to be effective. The innovation of the Flexible Partial allows the restoration to adapt to the constant movement and flexibility in your mouth. This is the underlying thinking behind Valplast’s innovative flexible, removable partial denture. The flexibility, combined with strength and light weight, provides total comfort and great looks!

Partials are custom-fabricated in a dental laboratory. They are a prescription only product and your denturist can help you decide if they’re right for you. The preparation is relatively simple because your natural teeth don’t need to be altered in any way. The partial is virtually invisible because there are no telltale metal clasps, and the material itself blends with the tissue in your mouth so that the only thing that shows is your beautiful smile.

When considering a removable partial, many people find the Flexible Partial to be the most comfortable option, and the final restoration can be made very quickly! The results of the flexible partial are beautiful, and patient satisfaction is very high. The Flexible Partial involves only non-invasive procedures, and gives you confidence in your restoration while talking, eating and most importantly, smiling!

To book an appointment, call 519-991-0700. We offer a complimentary consultation.