
Dental Implants in Windsor, Essex, Lasalle & Detroit

Christina Mallet Denture Clinic is equipped to meet your needs for dental implants. If you need a single tooth, our office will arrange for you to see one of our dentists to begin the procedure.  If you require 2 or more teeth, the denturist can design your dental implants and work with the dentist to do the surgical installation.

What are Dental Implants?

A dental implant is a permanent tooth that acts and looks cosmetically like a natural tooth. It is permanently fixed to the jawbone. For that reason they are often a preferred alternative to dentures where only a few teeth need to be replaced.

Dental Implants – Procedure

A dental implant is a procedure to replace an extracted tooth with a new permanent tooth inserted into a fitting attached to the jawbone.

Dental implants require a 2 or 3-step surgical procedure. First the original tooth is extracted. Once the jaw heals, after six to eight months, the dentist will examine the bone structure of the jaw to determine if there is adequate bone mass to support a dental implant. If there is, a titanium base will be inserted into the jaw. The new tooth will be created by the denturist and inserted into the fitting.

To book an appointment, call 519-991-0700. We offer a complimentary consultation.